Saturday, February 18, 2012

#1. A Picture of Me A Day - Day 6 How to Deal with a Cold

So I got a cold. Nothing very serious, :) but the usual process of going through it is a little tedious. -_-

This is the note I attached on my door. It says "No entry or Virus~ (blowing sound and flower sign... :P)" 
I wrote this so that my brother won't barge into my room and gleefully take away my possessions as usual (but I doubt he will change his routine anyway...).

I tend to get bored and irritated when 1) I cannot write my stories when I want to, 2) I cannot do things that I have wanted to do for a while (such as reading a book), and 3) I get "unproductive" or "inefficient" because of some external or internal factors. (Oh how I hate those words.. though I should not hate them so much.. but I can't help it)
So I'm BORED because I got a cold and I cannot study or think or enjoy other things properly.

Yes, I'm taking medicine, taking lots of vitamins, drinking lots of water, trying to have enough sleep and rest, etc. But I still need to take care of this lethargy while my body is healing.

The best way to deal with it that I've found so far is to do what you need to do most and want to do most. That would be studying and writing for me. Actually, I think I will try to do those after finishing this post.

But there are also some other tiny little ways to boost up your mood a bit.
For me, one of them is to put on a hat. 
So here is today's photo. Making a face again, as if about to say "coold~~?!? Do I have to go over this?? It's so boring..."

Dealing with cold/lethargy by wearing a hat, huh? Sounds kinda weird.
But the thing is that I love hats. (Though unfortunately, for a lover of hats I've only got four hats like the one above and several knit hats and two caps...) Partially because I cannot do my hair (wearing a hat to cover up your hair is a very quick and easy solution). But anyway when I wear hats I feel better for a while. :)

I guess doing something that pleases you, not only to your mind and body but also to your looks help dealing with little troubles like this.

Oh, I also like putting my favorite lipcolor (of the moment) when I am particularly sick and tired.
It boosts me up a bit. So, in this sense I relate to what Elizabeth Taylor said:

Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together. -- Elizabeth Taylor. :) 

Planning for the weekend and the next week.

Next week is the reading week - no class! Yayyyy! 
But after that there are assignments after assignments! Shiiiit!
So here is my planner. I just finished planning for the next week on the right page.

The mind map is basically divided into to do and wish list.

I like brainstorming and mind mapping. They help me think and organize better. :)
But this one above is a little messy. :P

One of the things on the "wish list" is to read Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. I loved the motion picture starring my long-time favorite actor Gary Oldman (oh he so rocks and he's also so sexy!). So, I promptly bought the e-book in Amazon. Can't wait. Maybe I could plan to "read TTSS +10 min". Then I will end up reading it for an hour. :)

By the way I love the wallpaper.
Have a nice weekend! XD

Friday, February 17, 2012

#1. A Picture of Me A Day - Day 5 An Artist and Her Work

Today's photograph is me in front of my storyboard. 
I am a writer and my favorite genre is fantasy thriller. The wall in the picture is the storyboard for one of my fantasy thrillers. Actually I am co-creating this with my big brother. :)

I like attaching story ideas and concepts in the wall. This way I can see in one view how one character, concept, or plot relates to one another and as a whole.
....I guess I unintentionally made the storyboard a kind of artwork in its own. :)

In a nutshell, this project is about devils, angels, and humans. No, it's not a horror. No, it doesn't have much to do with religion either. And yes, there is some romance. But it's mostly a thriller with lots of designs.

My big brother and I are pretty ambitious about this particular project. I think it will take another.. at least five years to fifteen years for us to introduce this to the world. In trilogy. In books. And hopefully in motion pictures, too.
We need to work through a lot of things. I guess in some aspects we will fail to do so eventually. But I believe we will enjoy the process of creating another world. :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

#1. A Picture of Me A Day - Day 4 Shopping Spring

After class and acupuncture, I went into a few shops in downtown to browse for spring clothes.
I have been brooding for quite a while to get something with patterns or "Asian."
So this is today's photo of me after obtaining something "Asian."
But actually, I doubt this dress is really "East Asian"...... Well, anyway. 
I would have liked something more "printy" (and prettier)... but, to tell you the truth, it was on a clearance sale and I just couldn't pass this divine opportunity.

Taking photos of me trying on new clothes is both interesting and exhausting. It is exhausting in a way, because it takes time, sometimes ages, to find clothes that you like and fit you (especially if you are like me, whose form fails to flatter the kinds of clothes you'd like to wear...). Still, it is also interesting and fun, because you could find the sides of you that you haven't realized. If you put on something that is a bit different from usual, you look a little different, and you may also see yourself in a little different way. (Anyway that is my humble opinion, who, honestly, doesn't have a sophisticated knowledge nor taste in fashion :P)
So I like to remember those "different me"s. And taking photographs makes me able to record those.

By the way, I'm not sure what to wear over this dress.... Maybe a white jacket.....? (not something in the pic, though.. most of all it's a denim and denim's uncomfortable for me...)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

#1. A Picture of Me A Day - Day 3 Asking Others to Take Pictures of Me

Today I asked others to take pictures of me. 
After class, I met a girl at a bus stop and asked her to take some pictures of me with a campus building in the background. (I asked a stranger just like that... how extrovert of me.... I'm still rather surprised I did)
She was very kind and offered to take more shots than I asked her. :)

Today I slept only two or three hours, and I slept poorly. 
So I felt like throwing up all day. Yikes. 
But I went to school. Because that's what pros do. (I had this kind of insomnia for a few years now, so I am rather used to these situations and know how to deal with them :)) 
And I took a three-hour fourth-year seminar course.
Then I came out, feeling a little triumphant over having gone through this little ordeal!
So here I am, tired, kinda awkward to smile before a stranger, but enjoying this. :)

Oh, and I also asked my big brother to take pictures of me messing around with my stuffed babies! (and with Picnik again)

Not every picture needs to make sense.
Because this is plain dumb and I had some fun. Fufufu.
When I asked my brother, I thought he would ... basically say... "What's the point? Leave it", but he didn't. He looked rather pleasant while taking a few shots of me. Thank God!

(Original Picture)

Asking others to take pictures of me, especially to a stranger, was an unfamiliar thing for me. It's awkward, isn't it? So today this is a kind of step up for me.
But I enjoyed this, and I think they enjoyed it, too. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

#1. A Picture of Me A Day - Day 2 Caramel Dance

For the last few days I've been addicted to this video.
Well, I love BBC Sherlock series, I think it is brilliant, I watched each episode at least five times. Then I found out this video of... Sherlock flapping his coat and John flashing his puppy smile... dancing to this... outrageous melody and I just can't get out of it. Weird, but I think that Sherlock and Carameldance go pretty well. ;P

So today, I simply decided to take a photo of me getting even more addicted to this stunning piece of shit art. I held my camera, enjoyed myself, and pushed the button at random moments. (A very professional way of doing things, for sure.)

You can see that I am pretty much enjoying this, ......dancing along. Sort of.

Monday, February 13, 2012

#1. A Picture of Me A Day - Day 1 A Fancy Beginning

Here I go. This is my first project.
(Initial) Goal: Seven days, seven pictures of me.

Well, I'd have preferred to say, "365 Days, 365 Pictures", but since this is my first project I thought I'd rather begin with a week. I'll see how it goes. :)

A-picture-a-day kind of project is already relatively well known. You could read about how to and why do this here: Many advantages, it says! Apparently you can also take a photograph of million other things a day. This website is amazing -- the author photographs clouds every day and it's beautiful.

I have a thing for documenting my daily life and work. I like to see how I looked and what I did everyday and how I changed over time. I enjoy even more to see the photographs of my work--writings, drawings, doodles, walls (because I attach my story ideas and stuffs in my wall), desk, etc.

I intend to enjoy this. I will make funny faces and may even go wild (oh, I'd love to!).

So this is the first out of seven pictures of me.... making a face. What a fancy beginning.

Hmm.. If I take photos like THIS for seven days, it would be titled "Daily Morbid" series. ;P
Well, I enjoyed this. Also I like sticking mustaches using Picnik, etc. It's fun.