Saturday, April 7, 2012

#6. Designing A Place A Day - Day 3 A Corridor Wall

Hmm. So I am a few days behind posting. It's been so crazy with my end-of-the-term exam. :P
Though I didn't have time to post, I did manage to do the project itself everyday. :)

Here is Wednesday's project. 
The place I imaged this day is the corridor wall of the lodgings that some of my characters for story #85 reside.

I do not know the exact counterpart for the Korean word "하숙집". The Korean-English dictionary I have says that it is lodgings. In my story, the place is mainly occupied by high school students whose homes are far away from the school they attend.

I made a preliminary design of the place in Mar 16. (Seems like it's such a long time ago.. =.=)

Now, I have a little different idea of what this place looks like in my head. But anyway, it still has a corridor.
And I wanted that space to have a special function, because it is the place that the characters who live here, in particular Ji-Eun and Soo-Oh, bump into each other. And those bumps should be interesting.
And I thought, well, walls could play some role in there. Or they could just make that space more interesting.

Characters who reside here:

Soo-Oh 장수오

Ji-Eun 탁지은

Jae-Yong 임재용 (the boy on the right)

 And Won-Seok 선우원석, the guy that Ji-Eun has a crush on. He lives in the same unit as Soo-Oh.

So. The wall. As far as I know, corridor walls in lodgings or any apartment seldom have any decorations. They are simply walls.

But Ji-Eun is an artist. Her specialty is miniature art, but she does small installation arts around the town and makes props for school festivals and postcards and other things as well.

(the photo in the bottom left of the page shows manholes in the streets, painted by artists. I thought it was ingenious and delightful. And it struck me as something that Ji-Eun would do--installing small artworks in places that people usually do not care or ignore and make them look)

I wondered if she could also paint walls. ...Why not?

Let's make the building manager or owner allow her to paint the walls of the place in return for reducing the  fee she pays every month. ;)

After some tumbling, googling, and flickering, I settled on illusionistic wall painting.
The below are some examples of illusionistic art.

What intrigues me about illusionistic wall (and street) paintings is that it gives us dream-like experience of seeing or being in another space. I wanted Ji-Eun (and her accomplice (?) artist) to paint in the walls of the corridors a view into another world. If you had been seeing white plaster wall for years, then one day find yourself standing in front of a different world, I am sure you will stop and look into it.

Well, of course, the content of the illusionistic painting would also be important.
For now I am considering a few options. One is that an artist could paint something that she had seen somewhere without remembering or knowing what it is. Another thing is that, you should never piss an artist. She could include you in her art and mock you for eternity. ;P

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