Saturday, February 18, 2012

#1. A Picture of Me A Day - Day 6 How to Deal with a Cold

So I got a cold. Nothing very serious, :) but the usual process of going through it is a little tedious. -_-

This is the note I attached on my door. It says "No entry or Virus~ (blowing sound and flower sign... :P)" 
I wrote this so that my brother won't barge into my room and gleefully take away my possessions as usual (but I doubt he will change his routine anyway...).

I tend to get bored and irritated when 1) I cannot write my stories when I want to, 2) I cannot do things that I have wanted to do for a while (such as reading a book), and 3) I get "unproductive" or "inefficient" because of some external or internal factors. (Oh how I hate those words.. though I should not hate them so much.. but I can't help it)
So I'm BORED because I got a cold and I cannot study or think or enjoy other things properly.

Yes, I'm taking medicine, taking lots of vitamins, drinking lots of water, trying to have enough sleep and rest, etc. But I still need to take care of this lethargy while my body is healing.

The best way to deal with it that I've found so far is to do what you need to do most and want to do most. That would be studying and writing for me. Actually, I think I will try to do those after finishing this post.

But there are also some other tiny little ways to boost up your mood a bit.
For me, one of them is to put on a hat. 
So here is today's photo. Making a face again, as if about to say "coold~~?!? Do I have to go over this?? It's so boring..."

Dealing with cold/lethargy by wearing a hat, huh? Sounds kinda weird.
But the thing is that I love hats. (Though unfortunately, for a lover of hats I've only got four hats like the one above and several knit hats and two caps...) Partially because I cannot do my hair (wearing a hat to cover up your hair is a very quick and easy solution). But anyway when I wear hats I feel better for a while. :)

I guess doing something that pleases you, not only to your mind and body but also to your looks help dealing with little troubles like this.

Oh, I also like putting my favorite lipcolor (of the moment) when I am particularly sick and tired.
It boosts me up a bit. So, in this sense I relate to what Elizabeth Taylor said:

Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick, and pull yourself together. -- Elizabeth Taylor. :) 

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